12 Incredible Facts about 3D Printing Technology

In recent times, 3D printing has achieved some unparalleled feats making it one of the most amazing futuristic technologies. There are many interesting facts about this ‘futuristic technology that may be unknown to you. This is a cutting-edge technology that is being explored each day for its hidden potential. In this article, we are trying to bring together a few interesting facts about 3D printing Technology.
1. 3D Printing Started Way Back in the 1980s
Yes, you have heard it right. The roots of 3D printing go back to 1981. In that year, Hideo Kodama of Nagoya Municipal Industrial Research Institute proposed the first 3D printing system in a research paper. However, it was Charles Hull of 3D systems who first successfully established a working Rapid Prototyping system that created physical objects in three dimensions based on digital design. Stereolithography Apparatus was the name of the machine he invented.
2. Initially Used for Prototyping, 3D Printing Now Has Many Applications
Originally, 3D printing was used for product prototyping. Some large corporations use rapid prototyping even today for its money-saving benefits. However, companies nowadays use 3D printing for different applications, especially for production processes.
3. 3D Printing Is a French Innovation
Did you know that the first patent for this breakthrough technology was registered by Jean-Claude André, Alain le Méhauté, and Olivier de Witte in the early ’80s? However, as everything did not fold out properly for the French innovators, the credit went to Charles Hull.
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4. 3D Printers Print Objects in Layers
3D printing adds multiple layers to print a model. Unlike ink jet printers, a 3D printer adds new layers on top of each layer until the design is completed.

5. 3D Printing Reduces Production Costs
The traditional manufacturing process involves a huge amount of expenditure from setting up machines, rented space, and storage fees to uncertainty around the product sells. On the contrary, 3D printing helps in reducing production costs by taking an entirely different approach. You can have the freedom to 3d print on-demand saving a lot of extra money.
6. 3D Printing in Movies
Do you know that 3D printers are also used in movie productions? 3D printing is used to create and recreate Props in a faster and hassle-free way. The Hobbit, The Muppets, Terminator Salvation, The Avengers, and Iron Man are some of the movies that applied 3D printing techniques.
7. 3D Printing Is Going Beyond the Earth
This futuristic technology is going to break the barriers of the earth with its astonishing potential. 3D printing technology has also proved advantageous for space. NASA researchers are working on the idea of sending robots to the surface of the Moon and Mars and constructing buildings and infrastructure ahead of the astronauts.
8. Food Can Be 3D Printed
You can even 3D print your food. While steaks can already be 3D printed, Chocolate 3D printing is also becoming a thing of interest for the pastry-making industry, helping them create chocolate designs that can’t be achieved through traditional methods.
Also Read: The Ultimate Significance of 3D Printing in Industry 4.0
9. 3D Printed Houses Are Here
3D printing or additive manufacturing is also being used in the architecture industry. It has flourished as an advantageous technique for building houses because of its many advantageous factors such as cost reduction and lesser production time. The machines used in 3D printing are very fast- some of which can manufacture a 600 to the 800-square-foot house within just 24 hours.
Additive manufacturing is becoming a new way of creating and designing affordable housing, especially in developing countries facing a housing shortage.
10.90% Of All Jewelry Is Made By 3D Printing
Jewelry industry was one of the first industries that incorporated 3D printing into existing business processes. Traditionally, the jewelry production process included carving the desired shapes by hand in wax, and then casting the molds in precious metal. 3D printing helped ease the process by creating these wax molds faster than the traditional way.
11. 3D Printing in Medical Sector
3D printing is being used extensively in the medical industry. Additive manufacturing process helps surgeons and healthcare professionals in their day-to-day jobs. 3D printing has numerous applications in the medical sector. It helps to create perfectly redesigned medical devices such as casts and prosthetics. Moreover, it is also used for implant surgeries, 3D prints models of hearts, kidneys and other organs.
12.Living Tissues Can Be 3D Printed
3D Bioprinting is a totally new and advanced technology that can print living tissue and organ parts. It enables medical researchers to create various tissue structures such as skin and kidney tissue. Using this technology, you can now 3D print bones and blood vessels. Undoubtedly, this technology is offering new possibilities in terms of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.
To Sum Up
Technology is evolving every day with the promise of a better life for us. 3D printing technology is redefining various industries with its many amazing features and is expected to enhance our lives in an unimaginable way in the near future.