How to increase the word count or length of an essay?

Sometimes it isn’t easy to meet an essay’s required word count or length, especially when you have many tasks (papers or exams) to do. In this situation, students use clever tricks to make their essays longer, such as increasing the margin or slightly bigger font size. Page length increases by using these tricks, but there are other effective ways to increase an essay’s length or word count.
Top 12 tips to increase the length of an essay
Rubric Completion
If your essay is shorter, it means you did not include everything in the rubric. To meet long essay requirements, consider whether you add all the information needed. Choosing the best essay topics can help you to write them in more intelligent and better ways.
Recheck Introduction and Conclusion
If the first thing in your essay is an introduction, reread it. Maybe you miss the vital information addition in the introduction part. You can add more points in your introduction part clearly and correctly. Make sure that your conclusion part is summarized the main points clearly as it provides a solution or suggestion to the reader. It is better to revise this part to write a longer essay.
Proofreading can help you discover some areas in your essay that need modification. Revise unclear points and add more information where needed with clarity. Proofreading can help you discover grammatical mistakes, style, and spelling. You may take help from your friends, siblings, and tutor to proofread your essay.
Expand Description
A good and well-organized description can make the essay more impressive. Sometimes whatever we think or hear about that topic can write in a description. A detailed description of a place or object may be emotion is considered a descriptive essay example. This writing trick is suitable for personal essay writing or descriptive essay writing. Expressing own feelings can help to increase the word count of an essay.
Add Quotations
Add quotations from trusted sources such as books, news articles, and authentic websites will help to make an essay more attractive to the readers. It can also increase the length of your essay.
Recheck outline the best way to write an essay is to outline first. To increase the word count, recheck the outline and ensure you have discussed all points in your essay. Adding the missing argument in a discussion increases an essay’s word count and length.
Add Transitional Phrases
Transitional phrases can take up space and helps in linking sentences to each other. Use transitional words such as ‘therefore’, ‘even though’, ‘moreover’, ‘in addition’ and ‘on the other hand’ in your essay to make it lengthy and more impressive.
Read the essay loudly
While reading your essay loudly can help you to find out the details that are not included. It can also help you to find out grammatical and sentence structure mistakes. You can add missing details in your essay to increase the length. Maybe for some people, this trick will be silly. Try to practice this trick.
Take a Break
Sitting in front of computers for many hours is hectic and tired. Take a break for some time to refresh your mind. After a break, come back to an essay writing with fresh ideas.
Also Read: Tips & Tricks to Structure the Research Paper for a Perfect Writing
Avoid using contractions and Abbreviations
Using contractions will give a casual touch to the essay. To make the essay a bit longer, use more extended versions instead of contractions. Abbreviations are not suitable for essay writing except for scientific ones because the essay looks more casual. Avoid using abbreviations.
Take help from your teachers
Before the final submission of a paper, most teachers are willing to overlook the papers/essays of the students. If the deadline is not approaching, take an /essay, make an appointment with a teacher, and request him to review your paper. A teacher’s suggestions will help improve the length of an essay. Many teachers/instructors who provide online services directly participate in global growth in online learning. So, you can get help from an online teacher/instructor if an on-campus teacher is unavailable.
Avoid Repetition
Always try to make your essay not only longer but stronger also. If you focus on writing quality content, the word count will not cause trouble. Each point in the description should be clear with no repetition.
Add examples
Add examples to support the content to make the essay more attractive for the reader. Use multiple sources to describe the given point. Only one source is not enough. It will help not only to increase the length of an article but also provide additional support. Break up the paragraphs to make the text manageable for the reader.
Hopefully, you will consider these points to increase the length and quality of your essay. Instead of using shortcuts follow the above-mentioned tips to make it more interesting for the readers.